Page name: Red Siren Artillery Deck [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-02-02 14:10:11
Last author: BlackDragon
Owner: Demetrius Duvalt
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Red Siren Artillery Deck


This deck houses the weapons onboard the Siren. On either side is 5 cannons. At the front is the three tri cannons. In the back is the other weapons such as: muskets, black powder rifles, daggers, cannon balls, racks fill with cutlass, gunpowder ect... This deck in other words is the war room.

Back to The Red Siren

Telcara opened her eyes immediately and raised up quickly. She heard the words Sensi had spoken clearly and took away all the layers she had summoned and followed him. "What exactly is it that I have to learn?" Her green eyes looked at him with curiosity.

He returned her gaze with his own. His black eyes with vertical red slits, flared brightly. "It's clear isn't it? You need to learn that which you do not know. And that might just be, how to defend yourself against such an attak, as this." And with out a single word of explaintion, Sensi assulted the woman, with in onslaught of fist flying attacks. High, low, meduim, and just obsurd, he swung his fist, with the purpose to strike.

Telcara used her magic quickly almost without thinking. She sent out a great amount of magic towards Sensi that had the purpose of sending him away from her. For a second she hoped that the amount had not been too much. Telcara put the silly thought away and concentrated on making a shield around her and at the same time preparing to cast another spell if the the others would seem ineffective.

Through the savage punches, and strikes, The Great Emporer Felt something of a shove. He reacted accordingly, and shoved his shoulder into the said, forcefull energy. A glass shattering effect erupted from nowhere, as the energy sent by Telcara exploded off Sensi's person. Fragments of the energy shot from Telcara, richocheted off the wooden walls, firing through the crirclet windows. Sensi stopped his attack and stepped back. "Impressive" he said. "But not nearly enough. If you are to defend yourself against what lies ahead, that simply wii not do." With that said, Sensi stepped back and prayed that the ship's hull would hold under such an attack. He exteneded his right arm, and held his palm open and pointed at Telcara.
"Defend yourself against this, and none other will pose a threat!" Sensi released an obsured amount of energy, seperated in several differnt sized orbs. Each one, hurled themselve at Telcara like cannon balls.

Telcara stared at the different sized energy orbs, sighed and summoned a magical shield around herself. She watched with interest as the energy orbs quickly came towards her. The first orb sent a vibration through her body screaming at her to act to defend herself. The shield did one good thing though; it slowed the energy orbs down. Telcara took a nimble look at the energy orbs approaching her slowly and made them move towards each other creating a single large orb of energy. The orb begun to shrink in size which compacted the energy making it glow slightly in purple. Telcara searched through her pockets quickly and took out a small box which was a size larger than the energy orb. She opened the box and trapped the energy orb by closing the lid. Opening the lid again revealed no orb: only the emptiness of the box. Telcara closed the lid again and put it back in one of her pockets. She let the shield surrounding her disappear and looked at Sensi and gave him a non-saying smile.

Kendra walked onto the artillery deck with a curious expression on her face. She watched for a few minutes as Sensi spoke to Telcara and then the lady displayed some power. She wass impressed to say the least, but she remained silent. After a few minutes she sat against a crate, observing the two.

Sensi's reaction was blatantly obvious. His eyes where wide, with one brow raised, mouth agaped. An arm raised with his index finger limply pointing at Telcara. A couple times, his mouth moved slightly but no words passed over his pearly whites. Finally, one phrase sounded...."What....was that?!" Telcara tatics, where never before ween by his eyes....she stole his energy! Suddenly, Sensi's head snapped around, and his body turned, as he became aware of Kendra's presence. He Swiveled his head between the too, and before pointing an accusing finger at Telcara, Face still frozen in awe, He said, "Be careful of that one, Lady Kendra. She's full of surprizes." Then his eyes, lowered to the floor, and glazed over in deep thought, as he moved slowly to a crate and sat down.

"It was magic. And it is rude to point. I guess your mother forgot to teach you that." Telcara directed Sensi with a smirk. "Do you want to give me more lessons or is this enough?"

Kendra hadn't expected Sensi to show surprise at anything, so when he did, even though she had missed what Telcara did, she realized it must have been something different. "Aren't we all, though?" she replied evenly to his warning.

Sensi was in his own world, reviewing what was just displayed by the woman. Impressive, unique, and most of all effective. Suddenly, Sensi eyes squinted and an aura of power measureing at a great magnitude exploded of his person. He was still sitting on the crate, which was now a pile of burning kindle. The woman, unknowingly, just deeply insulted the Great Emporer. Sensi remembered little of his mother. Charished, beloved memories of care and kindess. A keeper to him of perfect love. No one would speak ill of her, in humor or rage. EVER! And to do so, would be very regretable. Slowly Sensi stood up from the sitting position he was still in. The pile of smoldering kindle was kicked upward as his right boot slammed down onto it. Energetic fire and tendrils, whipped off Sensi's person, burning and destroying everything it touches. Sensi's eyes which long shifted from the original Solid black, with red vertical slits set against the black, to Pure crimson energy, which sparked and slithered from his fleshless sockets and poured over his fae and body, the likness if a thin layer of red hued water appearing over his muscular body. His voice deep, dark, and deadliest of all, calm as he spoke, "Here's a lesson for you......THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK TO ME AND MY MOTHER!" A massive vortex, more like Maelstrom of Energy and manifestd rage, swirl around him and an eruption of heat and pruple hued light explode into being, the floorboards of the ship crack and bending inward, the light Shines out of the port whole, Lighting the outside area and sky, since the sky long ago Darkened with thick black cloud cover. The water that saw just slpashing agaisnt the hull of the ship was pushed away as the ship's water level drops a bit, Lighting rips through the black abyss that is the sky, randomly beams and blasts of lighting slam into the sea and ship, several Masts catching flame. Back inside the Artillery Deck, Sensi right hand lifted and elbow bent upward, bringing the fist infront of him, covering his fist was a uncontrolled cluster of electirc textured energy that sparked dangerously, for it was pure power, unrestrained, completely unstable. Sensi through his arm forward, with great force, and a ear shattering war cry. The napalm of energy rocketed forth. No mere spell could stop this attack. It was a very advanced technique, and very deadly.

Telcara realized that it was possible that she would die, highly possible. She had been close to death several times before. Death didn't scare her; the thought of not being able to die scared her. That she would still live, a walking corpse. Telcara laughed a silent bitter laughter before the magic of Sensi caught her.

The blast tore through the air, ripping up the wood floorboards on which they all stood, leaveing desolation in it's wake. Sensi had complete control the oncomming supernova of power. He saw that Telcara had not acted in time to save herself from the attack. This made him curious under his surging anger. With a vicious snarl, The Emporer jerked the hand controlling the blast upward, with great force. The cluster of power shifted direction, and crashed into the roof, going through what ever levels where above them. Eventually, the cracks and seems of the Main deck shine with red and purple light. Suddenly, on the nose end of the ship, the floor bends outward, before cracking and exploding upward, a massive orb of spike like texture due to the unstableness of the gathered energies, hurtles itself into the darkened sky. Like a rising Sun of Hell, the blast gains altitude. The entire are fills with scorching heat and blinding flaming hues of color. It blinks out of being as it cuts through the black cloud cover and rises more. A dull yet prominent, boom was heard and rather suddenly, the blackened sky parts, in a circular shape, rays of heat and light decend onto the area below. The water turns choppy and unpredictable, throwing the ship and it's occupants around. A loud cracking sound erupted into the air. The mast at the head of the ship, bend down, and it's base splits. The mast is taken by the hurricane 4 winds and is ripped off the ship. The random accurance and weather continues for several minutes. Then all begins to calm, the clouds retract and lighten. The water smooths itself and returns to easy sailing. One might wish that the area didn't lighten back up with natural light. The ending result was not pleasent to anyone's eyes.

Suddenly things were happening too fast to keep track of. One minute Kendra was participating in general conversation, but the next Sensi was turning murderous, and acting on that anger. She stumbled back over the crate that had become her seat as the blast of energy rushed past her, heading straight toward Telcara, who remained perfectly unfazed apparently, though death stared her in the face. Sensi noticed this too and directed the energy upward, destroying half the ship. She closed her eyes against the ensuing terror, unable to form any legitimate thoughts, only fear. Finally, everything fell silent. It took her several moments to open her eyes, and when she did, she visibly went pale. She knew Sensi was strong, but this... it terrified her to know he possessed such dangerous power. She found herself feeling for the edge of the crate, looking for support, but she failed to find it. Instead she simply sank to the floor, wondering if the Red Siren would similarly sink to the bottom of the ocean.

For a moment Telcara thought that she was dead. She opened her eyes carefully and the world came back to her bringing along its good friend pain. Telcara tried to breath in and felt the pain through all her body. Even if she wanted to scream she couldn't. Trying to breath she realized that it didn't work. Falling down on her knees Telcara desperately tried to breath and started to cough. She raised her right hand slowly to her mouth Blood... Telcara managed to get a deep breath before she started coughing again. Carefully she stood up and looked around; ignoring the pain came with every move. She noticed Kendra on the floor.. and then her eyes found Sensi. Fearing that if she moved she would fall, Telcara stood still and waited for the cough to ease. Each time she coughed more blood came up.

Kendra was still in shock when her gaze fell upon Telcara and the blood on her face. She knew that even though the blast hadn't hit her directly the woman must be damaged, and she looked to be in a lot of pain. Closing her eyes again, Kendra made herself stand. She was uninjured physically, but her mind still wasn't entirely stable. Still, she made her slow way to where Telcara stood coughing up blood. She placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and willed the woman to be healed. It was difficult to concentrate, being so in shock, but she managed to heal the worst of the wounds. Or at least she hoped so. She was ignoring Sensi now, afraid to look at him. Instead her eyes rested on Telcara, hoping she was alright.

The anger fueling the power responsible for the vast damage, slowly faded. Sensi watched as things just went wrong, and now the after effects pain his eyes. The arua of energy and light retracted itself, disappearing from his person. His mind gradually registers what has happened, and then his gaze falls on Telcara. Remorse sets in as Kendra, whom by the way, will not look at him now, heals Telcara. Sensi didn'tknow what to say. He slowly took a step back and then a heavy inhale and exhale sounded. He simply turned, rather quickly, and left the area via the stairway heading to the main deck.

Telcara grabbed Kendra's arm when she realized that Kendra was healing her. She coughed once more and wiped away the blood with the sleeve of her black robe. Sensi was escaping Telcara saw and she pushed Kendra away from her. Reconsidering her instinct to go after Sensi, she grabbed Kendra by the arm again and used Kendra as a support to stand. She felt that the pain was not entirely gone, she no longer coughed up blood though. "Kendra.. only bring back the living. Let the dead be" Her voice was low and hoarse and despite the pain she continued talking "You healed me without asking, nor did I ask you. If by your rules and laws I'm in debt to you now, tell me what you wish of me. And be quick about it. I might die in a second or two, or I may not. Better to be on the sure side, don't you think?" Telcara smiled faintly.

Kendra could not understand for the life of her why Telcara was pushing her away. She stood still, letting the other woman use her as support, but the look on her face was one of confusion. Telcara's words only proved to confuse her more. The issue of a debt caused her eyes to widen. How could she ever charge some one for healing them? She didn't even know how she did it. "No... no debt..." And now Telcara spoke of death. How could she say that? How could Kendra stand by and let it pass? No. She had to help. Though she knew it was against Telcara's wishes, she focused again, willing her energy into the other person.

"No. You've healed me enough." Telcara blocked Kendra's energy and loosened her grip of Kendra's arm. Seeing how confused Kendra was Telcara tried to explain "You're young. My guess is that no one has learned you how to use your healing skills. You have potential.. If you find a corpse, let it be a corpse." Probably that would still sound confusing to Kendra. Telcara sighed and felt that her own magic was healing herself. It was not as successive as Kendra's and not as quick still it worked and little by little Telcara felt stronger. Looking at the hole that went up in the ship through all the levels, she wondered if the ship still could sail. She let go of Kendra's arm entirely and turned to face her "If you should regret your answer and find that there is something I can do for you, let me know. I can't promise you that I can get you want you want though but I will try my best."

Kendra shook her head in confusion, but she gave up trying to heal her. Telcara was a magician; maybe she would heal herself. It did look as if she was gaining strength. She nodded, assuring Telcara that if she did think up a debt she would inform her. She doubted it would happen, but nonetheless she would make the woman happy. Her gaze slowly followed Telcara's, looking up into the wreckage and then the open sky. It amazed her how much damage had been done by Sensi's anger.

"Well.. it is still floating. That's a good thing." The blood she had coughed up had now vanished and her clothes looked as clean and spotless as ever. Telcara moved to the stairs leading up. It still was a pain for her to move but she put the pain aside not wanting to show any kind of weakness. Telcara balked in front of the stairs and turned around and looked at Kendra. "The other crew members may be hurt. You're more of use up there than here"

Kendra watched Telcara head toward the stairs. She nodded. In fact, she had just been thinking the same thing. Surely others had been injured in the blast. She was over her shock, for now, and she needed to be of use. Maybe she would have a purpose on this voyage after all. She passed Telcara, climbing the stairs with purpose.

When Kendra had gone out of sight Telcara took out her dagger and looked at it. It appeared to be an ordinary old dagger, worn and rusty. Nonetheless it was still sharp enough if she would need to use it. Telcara fished up a small vial that contained a transparent liquid letting a few drops of it hit the blade of the dagger. The blade flickered as it absorbed the liquid. Pleased, Telcara slipped the vial down in a pocket and hid her dagger in her clothing making sure it was easy to reach. Before Telcara climbed the stairs herself she made sure her magical shields were up and in function.

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2007-01-02 [Emporer Sensi]: ooooooooooo impressive. I got to go, I'm too angery to Rp. See ya later

2007-01-02 [BlackDragon]: If it is my posting that you're angry at: blah!
Another reason: Ah well. Var inte en toffel!

2007-01-03 [Emporer Sensi]: It wasn't your posting, love. Something happened at home that raised anger in me.

2007-01-03 [Emporer Sensi]: That was a really good and very creative post, Telcara. I could Sensi's eyes now, he'd be like. "What the hell..." Eyes all big and mouth open.

2007-01-03 [BlackDragon]: Yay for creative and strange imagination world.
"Don't be a slipper" <img50*0:>

2007-01-04 [Emporer Sensi]: WTF!?

2007-01-04 [BlackDragon]: They're cute don't you think? Don't take it personal. It is a Swedish saying. Might not make so much sense to you. Are you planning on posting sometime in the near future..?

2007-01-06 [Emporer Sensi]: Eventually.

2007-01-28 [Emporer Sensi]: OOOOO One thing you don't do to Sensi, is mention his Mother, in any context at all.

2007-01-28 [Jewl]: *laughs* OOoooOOoOOOhhhhh... she's gonna get it NOWWWWW....

2007-01-29 [Emporer Sensi]: Telcara, In this place, here, now, You cannot stop that blast. Your options are extremely limited.

2007-01-30 [Jewl]: Damn, and Jewl only has a teeeeeny-tiny bit of healing abilities.

2007-01-30 [BlackDragon]: Hmmm.. teleportation?

2007-01-30 [Emporer Sensi]: The blast is 1)Too fast, and 2)Way too unstable.

2007-01-30 [BlackDragon]: Death or seriously injured are my options I guess. Sounds nice.

2007-01-30 [Lady_Elowyn]: Hmmm.... Kendra's a healer ^.^

2007-01-31 [BlackDragon]: eh.. um.. How did Sensi leave the area? .. water walking? =p

2007-01-31 [Emporer Sensi]: There.

2007-02-01 [Emporer Sensi]: Sensi isn't "Escaping" He's leaving the sight that disturbs him. One thing anyone must know about The Emporer. Once a certian rage point is reached, he looses control of himself and his power.

2007-02-01 [BlackDragon]: From Telcara's point of view, he is escaping "the sight that disturbs him". She has the right to think what she wants, no?

2007-02-01 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Sensi stop blowing holes in my bloody ship

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